LungMAP Human Tissue Core: Biorepository for Investigation of Neonatal Diseases of Lung-Normal (BRINDL-NL)
University of Rochester Medical Center
Principal Investigator: Gloria S. Pryhuber, M.D.
Co-Investigators: In collaboration with:
Tom Mariani, Ph.D. Gail Deutsch, M.D. (U of Washington, Seattle)
Ravi Misra, Ph.D. Jeff Thomas (NDRI)
Jeanne Holden-Wiltse, M.S. Gina Dunne Smith (IIAM)
Philip Katzman, M.D.
Timothy Bushnell, Ph.D.
The Human Tissue Core (HTC) will procure, process, deposit and distribute normal late fetal, neonatal and early childhood human lung tissue and dissociated cells for LungMAP research working with United Network for Organ Sharing and their network partners.
LungMAP studies the biology of normal lung development, which makes tissue health a critical concern. We collect transplantation quality tissues through the International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine and the National Disease Research Interchange, organizations that link donors to the scientific community. A special effort, the Neonatal Organ Donation Program was established by IIAM to provide donations to LungMAP and other important research efforts. IIAM and NDRI receive referrals to families wishing to donate for research when transplantation is not an option.
At the HTC, donated lungs are:
- imaged by CT (computed tomography)
- reconstructed in 3D
- processed for histological analysis
- dissociated to provide a range of enriched cell populations including subsets of epithelial, endothelial, mesenchymal, lymphatic, immune and stem cells.
A working group of highly qualified Pathologists works with the HTC to:
- establish biorepository and assessment tools
- review specimens to assure quality and normality of the tissues chosen for LungMAP
We would like to thank
- The URMC Department of Pediatrics for support through the George Washington Goler Chair
- The URMC Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology and The Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC) for computational support and development of inventory tracking systems using LabKey Software (
- NHLBI 1U01HL122700-01
Establishing a Neonatal and Pediatric Lung Donor Network