Time course proteomic profiling in alveolar parenchyma from WT C57BL6 mice.
Charles Ansong1*, Namasivayam Ambalavanan2, Naftali Kaminski3
1Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2University of Alabama at Birmingham, 3Yale School of Medicine, *Corresponding author
Time course proteomic profiling in alveolar parenchyma isolated using laser capture microdissection from WT C57BL6 mice.
LungMAP ID: LMEX0000001632
Organism: mouse
Stages: E16.5-E17.5 | P4-P36
Assay type: Proteomics
LungMAP IDAlt IDSpeciesSexAgeAge GroupWeightStrainGenotype
LMSP0000001270E16.5 PoolMus musculusE16.5E16.5-E17.5C57BL6WT
LMSP0000001272P28 PoolMus musculusP28P4-P36C57BL6WT
LMSP0000001271P7 PoolMus musculusP7P4-P36C57BL6WT
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Data Table 1.4 MB